Assalamualaikum Datuk/Dato',
My sincere apology to disturb you on a matter that I believe you would like to know.
Thank you in advance for your time and patient. May Allah repay you many many times for your kindness.
Hope that you could take a bit of your time to read below e-mail with the attachment.
I am concealing my identity due to avoid retribution and vendetta. (Which has happen may time over)
If you do not feel that you don't like to read such e-mail, please delete it.
What is said below are true and there are much more. specially on the manipulation on monetary resource such as rigging of projects (yes, it is plural), ridiculous salary scale between muslim and non muslim
(a non-muslim Mgrs gets RM12k & RM10k while muslim Mgrs gets RM7k & RM6k doing same amount of work in some cases more, a non-muslim Deputy Mgrs get RM8k and RM7.5k while muslim Deputy Mgrs get RM5k & RM4k with same responsibility and in some cases even more)
request for incentives from contractors if the project given to them, unqualified senior staff example an IT senior staffs that do not know what is IT, bad and sadistic comments about malay ethnicity, funny remarks about islam (the faith and practices) and muslim which is offensive (this has been always (plural) and the mockery of family principles and responsibilities and is it done where it is difficult and hard to prove it because lack of evidence and witnesses. most don't dare to tell because afraid of payback ) etc.
in other development, since these people joining the Bank, there was an attempt to withdrall about RM50 millions via swift.
Also there was a ATM fraud done by them which was kept quite. The moving of office was over budgetted and use to pleasure selected people.
For your info, many lower ranking staff has been 'blacksheep'ed or 'taking the bullet' for all the dirty deeds of those names which need not be mention. Pity these staff that have families to feed and has been working so long honestly.
Most local muslim & malay vendors and providers company has been taken out from their service to the bank eventhough their services and prices are far more better then the non-muslims company (cronics and got interest) just because they want to change to a different company (which usually those company is advice by them on how to bid and what price to put).
This is for your reference/info, what you want to do with this information is all up to your wise judgment as you have been known among the people to be a just, fair, good to the staff and a pious person.
Hopefully a good change will happen not because of the saving on majority malays staff or because the majority muslim staff nor because of the majority muslim customers it has or even because the entrance of non muslim non-credible manipulating the company but just simply because of the word 'ISLAM' it use which need to be up-hold and protected.
Hopefully it won't be another STMB and put back Bank Islam on it's right path.
Below e-mail was a 'luahan hati' one of the staff before leaving Bank Islam not because he want to to find a better place but just simply feed-up with all the one-sided racism toward the malay muslim.
Peace be upon you.
My sincere apology to disturb you on a matter that I believe you would like to know.
Thank you in advance for your time and patient. May Allah repay you many many times for your kindness.
Hope that you could take a bit of your time to read below e-mail with the attachment.
I am concealing my identity due to avoid retribution and vendetta. (Which has happen may time over)
If you do not feel that you don't like to read such e-mail, please delete it.
What is said below are true and there are much more. specially on the manipulation on monetary resource such as rigging of projects (yes, it is plural), ridiculous salary scale between muslim and non muslim
(a non-muslim Mgrs gets RM12k & RM10k while muslim Mgrs gets RM7k & RM6k doing same amount of work in some cases more, a non-muslim Deputy Mgrs get RM8k and RM7.5k while muslim Deputy Mgrs get RM5k & RM4k with same responsibility and in some cases even more)
request for incentives from contractors if the project given to them, unqualified senior staff example an IT senior staffs that do not know what is IT, bad and sadistic comments about malay ethnicity, funny remarks about islam (the faith and practices) and muslim which is offensive (this has been always (plural) and the mockery of family principles and responsibilities and is it done where it is difficult and hard to prove it because lack of evidence and witnesses. most don't dare to tell because afraid of payback ) etc.
in other development, since these people joining the Bank, there was an attempt to withdrall about RM50 millions via swift.
Also there was a ATM fraud done by them which was kept quite. The moving of office was over budgetted and use to pleasure selected people.
For your info, many lower ranking staff has been 'blacksheep'ed or 'taking the bullet' for all the dirty deeds of those names which need not be mention. Pity these staff that have families to feed and has been working so long honestly.
Most local muslim & malay vendors and providers company has been taken out from their service to the bank eventhough their services and prices are far more better then the non-muslims company (cronics and got interest) just because they want to change to a different company (which usually those company is advice by them on how to bid and what price to put).
This is for your reference/info, what you want to do with this information is all up to your wise judgment as you have been known among the people to be a just, fair, good to the staff and a pious person.
Hopefully a good change will happen not because of the saving on majority malays staff or because the majority muslim staff nor because of the majority muslim customers it has or even because the entrance of non muslim non-credible manipulating the company but just simply because of the word 'ISLAM' it use which need to be up-hold and protected.
Hopefully it won't be another STMB and put back Bank Islam on it's right path.
Below e-mail was a 'luahan hati' one of the staff before leaving Bank Islam not because he want to to find a better place but just simply feed-up with all the one-sided racism toward the malay muslim.
Peace be upon you.
Quote: |
Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar walillahilhamd. Salam ukhuwah, salam sejahtera dan salam perjuangan buat kengkawan serta saudara saudari sekalian. Pertama sekali ucapan syukur Alhamdulillah buat Allah SWT kerana masih memberi kesempatan buat kita untuk meneruskan hidup didunia yang fana ini. Alhamdulillah juga kerana dengan izinNya telah menemukan kita lantas bersama berganding bahu berjihad untuk mengembangkan serta memajukan perbankan islam. Malah perasaan itu jugalah yang saya percaya membuatkan ramai rakan taulan masih setia di BankCislam. Sebagaimana yg anda sedia maklum, hari ini merupakan hari terakhir saya berkhidmat untuk BankCislam, maka dengan kesempatan yg hadir ini saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih diatas segala tunjuk ajar dan pengalaman yg begitu indah yg semestinya akan saya rindui. Ucapan ampun maaf juga saya lampirkan andai disepanjang pergaulan seharian kita ada yg menyinggung perasaan. Memang berat untuk saya ‘berhijrah’ apatah lagi setelah X (Banyak Tahun ) tahun menuai benih menyimpul kasih bersama berjihad dengan BankCislam yg merupakan pelopor untuk perbankan Islam. Akan tetapi perasaan itu makin pudar, makin hilang serinya, makin hilang ‘cahaya’ yg selama ini saya dambakan. Yelaa mungkin ini hanya perasaan saya seorang sahaja atau mungkin kalian juga merasai seperti apa yg saya rasa. Adakah ini gelombang tsunami disebabkan visi kita untuk menjadi ‘Global Leader in Islamic Banking’? Sepatutnya dengan visi ini ia akan melonjakkan lagi prestasi BankCislam, melonjakkan lagi ukhuwah antara golongan atasan dan bawahan serta melonjakkan lagi kebajikan yg sepatutnya diterima oleh golongan marhean….bukan ditarik balik. Kita sepatutnya lebih berhati-hati dan lebih berkebajikan dalam soal golongan bawahan, percayalah semakin banyak kita melabur (memberi) semakin banyak pulangan yg akan kita terima. Malah dalam islam amat menggalakkkan kita menderma. Biarlah kita berlebih dalam soal kebajikan staff supaya ianya menjadi satu fenomena dan ‘role model’ cantiknya serta indahnya Islam seandainya diterapkan sepenuhnya. Suatu waktu dahulu, seringkali diperdengarkan akan kehebatan ‘benefits’ yg ditawarkan diBankCislam, tetapi sekarang sedikit demi sedikit ditarik atas alasan tidak praktikal. Dengan nama pelopor dalam perbankan Islam jugalah sepatutnya kita lebih sensitif dlm pengambilan pekerja yg Non-Muslim. Percayalah saya tidak pernah sekali-kali mempertikaikan kredebaliti dan intelektual golongan ini, Malah saya kagum dan terkasima dengan kehadiran mereka, cuma apa yg ingin saya luahkan hanyalah sekadar supaya kita lebih sensitif iaitu kita perlu tahu dimana kedudukan mereka. Sebagai contoh terdekat bahagian IT (Teknologi Maklumat) berapa ramai goloangan ini dan apakah jawatan yg mereka sandang? Tidak adakah golongan Muslim yg setaraf mereka ddunia ini? Jawatan CTO & AGMs siapakah yg memimpinnya sekarang? Tidak kira la mereka ini terbaik di Asia atau tidak, tetapi sebagai BankCislam yg memegang nama Islam malah pelopor perbankan Islam tidak adakah orang Muslim yg setaraf dengan mereka. Jika darurat sekalipun sehingga ‘mewajibkan’ mengambil mereka bekerja tidak bolehkah kita ambil mereka sebagai konsultan atau letakkan mereka rendah sedikit dari jawatan yg memberikan mereka kuasa untuk membuat keputusan…..nah serahkan, tapi sepastinya jawatan yg berisiko, ‘high priority’ dan ‘decision maker’ sepatutnya diurus tadbir oleh golongan Muslim. Mungkin luahan ini tidak memberikan sebarang kesan tetapi pernahkah kita terfikir mereka yg diluar sana? Sekiranya mereka tahu ini yg berlaku…..suasana ini la yg sedang melanda BankCislam? Bank yg merupakan pelopor perbankan Islam? Bank yg satu-satunya didunia mendapat kelayakan menggunapakai perkataaan keramat ‘Islam’? Apakah perasaan mereka? Disebabkan mereka yg ekstream dengan Islam ini lah mereka yg paling banyak menabung di BankCislam. Diakhir kalam, kepada yg bertanggungjawab serta mempunyai kuasa fikir-fikir kita bersama. Tiada salah tegur-menegur antara kita dan tiada cacat celanya andai teguran itu untuk kebaikan bersama. Turun-turun dan berkunjung laa ke golongan bawahan…selami, dalami serta rasailah bersama rutin harian mereka. Saya merayu kepada pihak yg bertanggungjawab datanglah, kajilah serta selidik kenapa dan mengapa semakin ramai staff terutama staff IT berhijrah ke luar atau ke unit lain mutakhir ini. Diharap nukilan ini mampu menyapa mereka yg sedang lena untuk bangkit dari mimpi dan berjuang untuk Islam. Sekali lagi saya pohon seribu keampunan andai salam perpisahan dan nukilan terakhir saya ini membuat sesetengah orang terasa. Sambutlah salam sayang, salam ukhuwah dan salam perjuangan untuk terus tekad dan nekad berjihad dalam perbankan Islam daripada saya dan xxxxxxxx. Akhukum al-mukhlis; xxxxxxxxxxxx Diharap selepas ini sebarang maklumbalas serta bertanya khabar boleh dihantar di xxxxxxxxxx Petikan daripada forum www.kelabchedet.com |
4 ulasan:
mana nya pekasa pegi?
tak tolong rakyat ka? apa dah jadi ni?
Hubungi PERKASA negeri berkenaan kerana PERKASA sudah dilancarkan setiap negeri.
rimaJOHOR : Itu mmg kat johor pun.. ish2..
Mmg kat Johor pun.. kalau tak.. napa saya post kat sini..
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